

Harnessing Light & Dark for a More Fulfilling Life physical healing spiritual evolution

Have you heard of spiritual bypassing? I had no clue what it was until a couple of years ago. Turns out, though, I'd been doing exactly that... using spiritual bypassing as a way to "deal with my...

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The Science of Energy and Healing: Understanding the Biofield physical healing science

In your healing journey, you may not have heard about the concept of the Biofield. Although not yet mainstream in medical science, this term is gaining attention for its role in holistic health and...

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Opening up to Spirit after Trauma Healing physical healing spiritual evolution

Trauma creates spiritual disassociation. Yet, when we aren't aware of it, we keep trying to force our spiritual gifts and connection. I did for over a decade. 

My experience creating a deeper...

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Eye-Opening Insights into Oneness & Awakening inner peace physical healing spiritual evolution

In our journey through this life, so many more of us are seeking deeper meaning, greater connection, and a sense of peace. Understanding and embracing the concepts of oneness and awakening can...

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