shadow healing

Harnessing Light & Dark for a More Fulfilling Life

physical healing spiritual evolution

Have you heard of spiritual bypassing? I had no clue what it was until a couple of years ago. Turns out, though, I'd been doing exactly that... using spiritual bypassing as a way to "deal with my trauma."

Spiritual bypassing happens when we attempt to bury our pain by choosing to believe that love and light will fix it all. Essentially, we decide that to be happy, we must think positive thoughts and remain calm at all times.

Don't get me wrong, positive thoughts and living with inner peace are beautiful. And yes, when we can maintain this level of balance regardless of the chaos surrounding us, we bring more light into this world. Yet, the problem lies in believing that feeling those negative emotions is destructive. We are afraid of the "bad" emotions; ultimately, we shove them down, ignore them, and don't process them.

Do you know what happens when you don't feel and process the difficult emotions because you want to be "happy vibes only"?

It's spiritual bypassing.

We attempt to hand out the trauma and simply hope it'll eventually go away with enough happy thoughts. Yet, it doesn't work that way. Why?

Because we are spiritual beings living a human existence, we are here to experience emotions.

Emotions are teachers; they are meant to guide us.

If we ignore an emotion (any emotion), we miss the lesson, and the emotion will stick until we listen and process it.

From a biological level, these emotions get stuck in our bodies at a cellular level. They begin to shift your biology. No amount of happy thoughts will magically fix your biology because you have to release (negative) energy to add (positive) energy.

If you are simply focused on adding (positive) energy, you are trying to add something to a bucket that's already full and likely overflowing. This is why you feel stuck as if running on a hamster wheel. Your efforts aren't achieving the desired results because you must learn to work through the darkness.

So often, I see sensitive entrepreneurs who embrace the power of being a lightworker without seeing how shadowwork is a massive piece of lightwork. You can't have light without dark OR dark without light.

When you want to be a healer working to help heal collective consciousness, it's essential to understand and embrace the darkness, the shadow.


Trauma and your Energetic Frequency

Trauma is energy trapped in your body at a cellular level. It can literally change your brain and body. When you experience deep trauma, your amygdala (the fear center of the brain) can become more hyperactive. Your prefrontal cortex (which helps process your emotions, memories, and executive functioning) doesn't operate as efficiently.

Trauma is like an energetic frequency stuck in a ripple effect, trapping you until you release and heal its impact on your physical body. This is why shadow work is crucial to embracing more light. As you heal the impact of trauma on your body and release its grasp, you can shine brighter. When you don't do the work to actively heal painful emotions, you keep them stuck within, and it dulls your frequency.

How do I know if I have trapped trauma energy?

Trauma has tale-tell signs, and we see them every single day. In fact, it's become so normalized that it's becoming harder for us to break through the veil and see the truth.

Remember when I said that trauma changes your brain and body? It changes your biology. The impact of these changes leads to chronic pain, chronic illness, autoimmune disorders, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, skin disorders, cardiovascular issues, and much more.

Your body is the key to understanding what type of energy you carry and thus emit in your biofield.


Wait, what about chronic health issues that are genetic?

Some trauma (ancestral trauma) is passed through the genes, yet that doesn't mean it's a life sentence. Through epigenetics, we now understand that trauma is passed on, but it can impact our gene expression.

Epigenetics shows us that while our genes may carry certain predispositions, our environment, lifestyle, and thoughts can influence how these genes are expressed. This means that by engaging in healing practices, nurturing positive habits, and creating a supportive environment, we have the power to turn off the genes associated with trauma and illness.

Imagine it like a dimmer switch—you can reduce the intensity of those genetic expressions that cause chronic health issues. Practices such as mindfulness, meditation, healthy eating, regular exercise, and connecting with nature can all significantly modify gene expression.

Addressing the emotional and psychological aspects of trauma can lead to profound changes in our physical health. Techniques like somatic therapy, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), and energy healing are just a few ways to release stored trauma and promote healing on a cellular level.


Dark Spirits and Trauma

Let's talk about dark spirits for a moment, and not in a "oh, shit, this is scary" kind of way. But, again, light cannot exist without darkness, and they are all the same energy at different frequencies.

Dark spirits or negative energies often become attached to us through trauma. These entities feed on our fear, pain, and unresolved emotional baggage. Rather than viewing them as something to fear, it's important to understand them as part of the natural balance of energy.

When we experience trauma, our energy field can become weakened or fragmented, making us more susceptible to these darker influences.

These spirits or energies latch onto the wounds created by our trauma, exacerbating feelings of depression, anxiety, and disconnection. However, this isn't a hopeless situation.

Understanding that these dark spirits are manifestations of energy can make you more susceptible to these darker energies. These spirits or negative energies are not inherently evil; they are simply drawn to the vibrational frequency that trauma creates. In many shamanic traditions, the goal is not to banish these spirits with force but to understand their role and transform their energy.

It's important to integrate both light and dark aspects of ourselves. When we acknowledge and work through our trauma, we can transform the energy of these dark spirits into something positive and healing.

Forgiveness and compassion in healing from trauma are essential.

By forgiving ourselves and those who may have caused us harm, we can release the hold that dark spirits have on us. Compassion allows us to see these spirits not as enemies but as teachers, guiding us toward a deeper understanding of ourselves and our healing journey.

Embracing both the light and dark within us is crucial for holistic healing. It's about finding balance and harmony in our energy field, transforming negative influences into sources of strength and wisdom. Through practices like soul retrieval, meditation, and compassionate self-reflection, we can navigate the shadows of our trauma and emerge into the light more whole and empowered.

Remember, the journey through darkness is a path to greater self-awareness and spiritual growth. By acknowledging and working with these dark spirits, we can unlock profound healing and transformation, turning our past wounds into powerful sources of light and resilience.




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