
Aligning your Energetic Frequency to Connect with Your Higher Self

higher self spiritual evolution

The higher self is the most evolved version of you, existing in a state of unity with the infinite intelligence of the universe. It transcends the limitations of the physical and ego mind, embodying wisdom, compassion, and unconditional love.


What is the Higher Self?

Your higher self is your divine essence, the most authentic version of who you are. It exists beyond the constraints of time and space. Understanding this is key: you are part of the infinite creation, as we all are. Everything in existence is made of the same energy, vibrating at different frequencies.

We are all fractals, unique expressions of the same universal essence, each one of us a microcosm reflecting the infinite complexity and beauty of the cosmos.

In this way, we are the universe experiencing itself.

Every thought, emotion, and action we take is a part of this grand tapestry of existence. As fractals, our individual lives and experiences mirror the larger patterns of the universe, embodying the same fundamental principles on different scales. This interconnectedness reminds us that while we are individual beings, we are also intrinsically linked to the whole, playing a vital role in the collective evolution and expansion of consciousness.

The higher self exists in a higher vibration density, while we exist in a lower density vibration, experiencing time. How can we coexist in seemingly different locations? Time and separateness are illusions of this density. In actuality, all possible realities and alternative existences coexist simultaneously. 



Interconnectedness and the Higher Self

Our higher self exists because we are all one. This part of you, and it is part of me, too. The beautiful thing about the higher self is that it understands the interconnectedness of all potential outcomes; this means it is able to guide us toward paths that align with our highest good. 

When we tap into this infinite reservoir of wisdom and knowledge, we can live in flow. As we remember our truth, we can navigate our current lives with more ease and less friction.

Think of it this way: imagine using a telescope to look at a tiny part of the sky. When you remove the telescope and understand the infinite exists outside of what you can see, that’s where the higher self operates. It functions from a higher plane of consciousness, accessing universal truths and the blueprint of our soul’s purpose.


Energy and the Higher Self

The higher self operates on a higher vibrational frequency compared to our everyday consciousness. We live in a lower density, meaning our frequency is lower. Think of energy frequencies and density like different states of matter. At lower frequencies, energy vibrates more slowly, resulting in denser, more solid forms—like how water becomes ice when it cools down, and the molecules move more slowly.

We live in a physical world, operating at a lower density than our higher self. Energy vibrations here are slower, making everything feel solid and physical. This is why our everyday life, where we can touch, see, and interact with matter, is considered a lower density.

Now, imagine turning up the frequency. As the vibration increases, the density decreases, and energy becomes lighter and less solid—similar to how ice melts into water and then evaporates into steam. At higher frequencies, energy vibrates so fast that it transcends physical form, existing in a more fluid and less tangible state. Higher densities are like this higher frequency state, where beings and experiences are more ethereal and less bound by physical constraints.


Connecting to Your Higher Self

How can you use this understanding to connect to your higher self?

The Radio Analogy

Imagine a radio with various stations available to tune into. Each station represents a different reality or frequency. In our current lower density, we can only tune into a limited range of these frequencies, experiencing one reality at a time.

Our higher self, however, operates like a sophisticated radio receiver that can access all stations simultaneously. It wants us to operate at higher frequencies that allow for growth and healing. As we raise our frequency, we more easily connect to our higher self and allow for guidance. Your higher self nudges you to adjust your receiver to align with your highest purpose. It's just waiting for you to listen. 

Just as adjusting the dial on the radio changes the station and the music we hear, raising our frequency through spiritual practices and inner alignment allows us to access higher realities and the wisdom of our higher self. This helps us realize that although we are currently tuned into a specific reality, all other potential experiences already exist, waiting for us to align with them.


Raising Your Vibrational Frequency

To connect with your higher self, you need to raise your own vibrational frequency. This can be achieved through practices that cultivate inner peace, love, and alignment, such as:

  • Meditation: Calms the mind and opens a channel to higher wisdom.
  • Mindfulness: Keeps you present and aware of your inner state.
  • Heart-Centered Living: Focuses on love, compassion, and empathy.

As you raise your frequency through these practices, you start to experience higher densities. This shift allows you to connect with more subtle realms of existence, where energy flows more freely and isn't restricted by physical form. Moving from lower to higher frequencies elevates your experiences from the physical to the spiritual, aligning you more closely with your higher self and the infinite intelligence of the universe.

By understanding and embracing these concepts, you can begin to live in harmony with your higher self, navigating life with greater wisdom and purpose.


When Trauma Keeps Your Frequency Lower

I think this is critical to mention. I spent years feeling like I was doing all the things to raise my frequency, yet my life was not coming into alignment. I couldn't figure out what else to do. I felt stuck. 

I wish I had understood earlier that trauma has a profound impact on our vibrational frequency, and it can anchor us in lower densities and hinder our spiritual growth. It's something we can heal, yet we have to have the right tools. Unfortunately, modern medicine isn't helping because they aren't trained to understand how emotions create biological dysfunction in the body. 

You see, when we experience trauma, our body and mind respond in ways that are meant to protect us, but these responses can also create blocks that keep us from accessing higher states of consciousness. High levels of cortisol running through your body for long periods of time begin to disrupt your natural energy flow and create a state of chronic stress. This sustained stress response can weaken your immune system, disrupt sleep patterns, and lead to feelings of anxiety and depression.

In this state, your vibrational frequency is lowered, making it difficult to connect with your higher self and access the inner wisdom that guides you toward healing and growth. The constant activation of your fight-or-flight response also keeps you in survival mode, preventing you from experiencing the peace and balance necessary for spiritual alignment.


The Physical and Energetic Changes Caused by Trauma

The physical effects of trauma, such as tension in the body, shallow breathing, and a heightened state of alertness, further anchor you in lower vibrational frequencies. And you don't even realize it! These responses, while initially protective, can become ingrained habits that perpetuate a cycle of low energy and disconnection from your higher self. Breaking free from this cycle requires a conscious effort to create realignment. (Which requires the right tools to heal the biological impact of trauma on your physical form)


Trauma and Energy Blocks

Trauma creates energetic blocks that manifest as fear, anxiety, and other negative emotions. These emotions lower our vibrational frequency and make it difficult to connect with our higher self.

The effects of trauma can be deeply ingrained in our subconscious, influencing our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors long after the traumatic event has passed. This is because trauma disrupts the natural flow of energy within our body, creating patterns of resistance and tension. These patterns can cause us to feel stuck, unable to move forward in our healing journey.

When we are in this state, our energy vibrates at a slower, denser frequency, keeping us anchored in the physical realm and disconnected from the higher vibrational frequencies of our higher self.

Healing from trauma involves not only addressing the psychological and emotional wounds but also working to raise our vibrational frequency and heal the physical body. This process requires us to release the negative energy associated with trauma and cultivate a state of inner peace and balance.

Practices such as meditation, mindfulness, and energy healing can be particularly effective in helping us to clear these energetic blockages and elevate our frequency. By consciously working to heal and raise our vibration, we can begin to transcend the limitations imposed by trauma and reconnect with the higher, more expansive aspects of our being.

Want to learn more about healing your biology from the impact of trauma?

Explore BioHacking Trauma. 




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