$50.00 USD

Human Design Reading

Ready to uncover the blueprint of your true self? 

Get a comprehensive ”map” of your energetic blueprint, detailing how you exchange energy and make decisions.

This personalized Human Design reading offers a deep dive into understanding your unique energetic makeup and how it influences your life's journey. Each report is 20-25 pages long and details your specific birth chart.

By exploring your Human Design, you'll gain insights into your strengths, challenges, and the best ways to navigate the world in alignment with your authentic self.

What you'll learn from your human design reading:

  • Your energy type and how to best use it. Plus, learn how you may be self-sabotaging yourself.
  • Get clarity on how you make decisions in life so you can lean into alignment.
  • What gifts + wisdom you’re here to share with the world
  • What strategy you can use to meet less resistance from others
  • Who you are at your most authentic level beyond any societal conditioning


What do you need to create a reading?

After you purchase your Human Design Reading, you will submit your birth details to us, including your date, time, and place of birth. We use this information to create an accurate and personalized chart.

How long does it take to get my reading?

Each reading is personalized, we aim to get back to you within seven days, usually sooner.

Can my Human Design chart provide answers to my specific life questions?

Yes, you will have the opportunity to submit up to 3 specific questions related to your life, and I will include the insights gained from your Human Design chart.


*This human design reading is for educational purposes and should not be considered a replacement for professional medical advice.