
A Projector’s Guide to Deconditioning for Success & Abundance

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Do you struggle to keep up with the world? Do you feel overwhelmed by the energy around you? If so, you might be experiencing the effects of living in a world designed for a different energy type. You may be a Projector in Human Design.

If you're unsure about your type, I recommend using this Human Design chart program  to find out. Also, be sure to read my blog post, Embracing the Projector Energy Type in Human Design, for more insights.

As projectors, we have a unique journey that involves understanding and managing the energies around us. The more I've been able to heal and recognize my strengths, the more I've been able to decondition and find success and abundance. It's allowed me to truly embrace my true self in the process.

Feeling the Energy Around You

As a projector, your sensitivity to the energy of others is remarkable. You can feel it, absorb it, and amplify it. This heightened sensitivity can sometimes make you feel like you are something you are not, leading to a sense of distortion in your true self.

It can also cause deep pain and suffering and make you more vulnerable to experiencing trauma. Do you feel overwhelmed and burnt out almost constantly? Are you continually questioning the purpose of life?

Projectors become deeply conditioned by the world when we absorb the energies around us and don't realize it. We learn to try to keep up with the other energy types and it creates a lot of pain and suffering—it leads to conditioning.

When I first discovered my Projector nature, it felt like a lightbulb went off.

I spent decades chasing success and climbing the corporate ladder. When I couldn't keep up with those around me, I thought something was wrong with me. My inner narrative was very harsh and judgmental, because I wasn't like other people.

As I learned about the Human Design Projector type , the feelings of overwhelm and burnout made sense. I wasn't just tired; I was absorbing and amplifying the energies of those around me. I was trying to keep up with the Generators in my life, and my mind, body, and spirit were paying a heavy price.

This realization was the first step toward understanding how to navigate my path to success and abundance. It took time, but gradually, I began to peel away the layers of conditioning in my life.

I had to focus on healing trauma wounds caused by the deep pain of childhood trauma and becoming a young widow. I really had to spend time reflecting and releasing wounds that were keeping me in a conditioned state.

The Energy Types You Surround Yourself With

Understanding the different energy types around you is crucial for your well-being. It also helps you understand why you feel the way you do.

Each Human Design type brings unique dynamics to your interactions and environment. This world is primarily made up of Generators, which are full of energy and always ready to try something new. As Projectors, we are most often conditioned by the Generator type. Here's a breakdown of energy types to give you an idea.

  • Generators: About 37% of the population.
  • Manifesting Generators: About 33% of the population.
  • Projectors: About 20% of the population.
  • Manifestor's: About 9% of the population.
  • Reflectors: About 1% of the population.

 Understanding the Human Design energy types can help you understand how to manage these energies

  • Generators: Generators have a consistent, sustainable energy that can be both a blessing and a challenge for projectors. On one hand, their energy can provide the stamina you sometimes lack. On the other, prolonged exposure can lead to feelings of overwhelm and exhaustion. It's important to balance time spent with generators to avoid burnout.
  • Manifestors: Manifestors are initiators with a powerful drive to start new things. Their energy can inspire and motivate you, but it can also create pressure to keep up with their fast pace. Understanding this dynamic can help you appreciate their inspiration while maintaining your own pace.
  • Reflectors: Reflectors are like mirrors, reflecting the energy of their environment. They make up 1% of the population. Their unique ability to show you the true state of your surroundings can be incredibly supportive. Spending time with reflectors can help you see things more clearly and make informed decisions.

The Collective is Being Guided by Projectors

Believe it or not, the future is being guided by projectors . You, as a projector, are here to guide and direct others with your unique perspective and wisdom. However, adult projectors often face significant challenges due to deep conditioning from other energy types, particularly generators.

The Challenges of Deconditioning for Projectors

Adult projectors are some of the most deeply conditioned people on the planet. From a young age, projectors are conditioned by the energy of generators.

This conditioning can make it difficult to recognize and embrace your true nature. You might survive on the connection with generators, but this comes at a significant cost. You become a super slave to their energy, always busy, always taking in and amplifying what is not yours. This leads to burnout, a sense of distortion, and a persistent feeling of being overwhelmed.

I spent decades feeling constantly busy, always on the go, trying to keep up with the generators in my life. It was as if I was running a marathon that never ended. My body ached, and every year I would have a new health issue that was making it harder to keep pushing.

I was constantly teetering on the edge of burnout, feeling lost and yearning for more in life. It wasn't until I discovered my projector nature that I began to understand the underlying cause of my struggles.

Breaking Free from Conditioning

What is Conditioning?

Conditioning is the process in which we are influenced by external factors such as societal expectations, family norms, and the environment. It is how we learn behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs from the world around us. This process begins early in life and continues throughout our experiences.

  • Social Conditioning: This involves the norms and values imposed by society. For example, societal expectations about success, productivity, and behavior can shape how we view ourselves and our potential
  • Family Conditioning: Our family environment also plays a significant role.The beliefs and attitudes of our parents or caregivers can deeply influence our self-perception and how we interact with the world.
  • Cultural Conditioning: The broader culture we are a part of can condition us through media, traditions, and collective beliefs. These cultural influences can define what we consider normal or desirable.

Conditioning often goes unnoticed because it becomes ingrained in our everyday thinking and behavior. It’s like wearing glasses that we don’t realize, coloring our view of ourselves and our world.

What is Deconditioning?

Deconditioning involves shedding external influences to rediscover and embrace your true self. It's about undoing imposed patterns and beliefs and reconnecting with your authentic nature.

  • Awareness: The first step in deconditioning is recognizing that you are operating under conditioned beliefs and patterns. This means becoming aware of how societal, familial, or cultural expectations have shaped your thoughts and behaviors.
  • Reflection: Once you are aware, the next step is to reflect on how these conditions affect you. This involves questioning long-held beliefs and understanding how they have influenced your life choices and behaviors.
  • Release: Deconditioning also means letting go of these outdated beliefs and patterns. This can be done through various practices like mindfulness, therapy, or self-reflection techniques. It’s about creating space for new, healthier ways of thinking and being.
  • Reconnection: Finally, deconditioning involves reconnecting with your true self. This is a journey of exploring your own needs, desires, and strengths, separate from the expectations placed on you by others.

Why Deconditioning Matters for Success and Abundance

Deconditioning is crucial for finding success and abundance because it helps you align with your true self. When you are freed from the conditioning that distorts your identity, you can:

  • Discover Your Authentic Path: By releasing conditioned beliefs, you can find out what truly resonates with you and pursue goals that are aligned with your real desires and strengths.
  • Create Genuine Success: Success becomes more meaningful when it is based on your true self rather than external expectations. Deconditioning helps you achieve success that reflects your own values and ambitions.
  • Experience Real Abundance: True abundance comes from a place of authenticity. When you are not bound by conditioned limitations, you can embrace opportunities and experiences that bring genuine joy and fulfillment.

Breaking free from this conditioning is no easy task but it is essential for finding success and abundance.

Embracing Your True Self as a Projector

As you decondition, you'll begin to feel more like your true self and you may find that it begins to challenge you relationships. When you've lived with a mask on for most of your life, you likely have built some toxic relationships and patterns.

When you begin to break out of these toxic relationships and patterns, you can face some pushback. Yet, at the same time, you'll begin to feel more at peace with yourself, you'll find a new sense of sense worth, and joy.

You'll also find it easier to guide and direct others, stepping into the role you were meant to play. You'll also discover a newfound sense of success and abundance, aligned with your unique energy.

Deconditioning allows you to strip away the layers of conditioning that have masked your true essence. It's like peeling an onion, layer by layer, to reveal the core of who you are. This process requires patience and perseverance, but the rewards are profound.

My Deconditioning Journey

My body always hurt as I tried to keep up with the world around me. It wasn't until I learned about my projector nature that things started to make sense. I realized how deeply conditioned I had been by the generators in my life.

Deconditioning was hard and it took a lot of time to piece together the puzzle (which is why I designed my program on living in alignment, so you don't have to struggle to find the puzzle pieces). I began setting more boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and began to explore connections and support from like-minded individuals. Today, I feel more aligned with my true self and have found a deeper sense of success and abundance.

My journey of deconditioning began with small steps. I started by setting aside time each day for self-reflection and meditation. I gradually learned to say no to activities and people that drained my energy. I sought out supportive communities and connected with other projectors who shared similar experiences. These steps helped me reclaim my energy and align with my true purpose.

Practical Tips for Deconditioning

To help you on your journey, here are some practical tips for deconditioning:

  • Mindfulness Practices: Incorporate mindfulness practices into your daily routine. This could include meditation, deep breathing exercises, or mindful walking. These practices help you stay present and aware of your energy.
  • Energy Cleansing: Regularly cleanse your energy to remove any negative influences. This could involve practices such as smudging with sage, taking salt baths, or using crystals.
  • Visualization Techniques: Use visualization techniques to protect your energy. Imagine yourself surrounded by a protective bubble that shields you from negative energies. Visualize releasing any energies that do not belong to you.
  • Grounding Exercises: Grounding exercises help you stay connected to the Earth and stabilize your energy. Spend time in nature, walk barefoot on grass, or practice grounding yoga poses.
    Affirmations: Use positive affirmations to reinforce your true self and your boundaries. Repeat affirmations such as "I honor my energy" and "I am aligned with my true purpose."

Deconditioning is a journey, but it's one worth taking. As a projector, you have a unique role to play in guiding others. By breaking free from conditioning, you can step into your true power and find the success and abundance you deserve.

Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Embrace your sensitivity, set boundaries, and prioritize self-care. Your path to success and abundance is within reach.

Reflecting on my own journey, I can attest to the transformative power of deconditioning. It has allowed me to reconnect with my true self and align with my purpose. I invite you to embark on this personal journey of self-discovery and transformation. Together, we can create a future where individuals thrive and lead with wisdom and clarity.








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