
35 Signs You’re an INFJ—the Rarest (Mystical) Personality Type

human design spiritual evolution

The INFJ "Mystic" is the third-rarest personality type and perhaps the most enigmatic of the 16 Myers-Briggs® personality types. So, if you are an INFJ or know one in your life, you are in the presence of a truly unique individual. The combination of our mystical intuition, deep empathy, and complex inner world sets us apart. It can be a beautiful thing and it can also come with challenges. In this blog, I want to share my own experience with realizing I was an INFJ and how trauma had kept me from living authentically

What makes the INFJ personality type so unique? First, we have an uncanny ability to perceive and understand the interconnectedness of everything around us, which allows us, as INFJs, to navigate life with a profound sense of purpose and insight. I'll be honest: It took a lot of hard work to be able to embrace my INFJ gifts because of my trauma. It took some time to understand how the world had conditioned me and how that led me to hide so many parts of myself.

Honestly, I suspect many fellow INFJs come into this world learning through suffering. I think it's part of our spiritual gift but it can also keep us from being able to live our truth. It's a double-edged sword; the lessons meant to teach us can keep us trapped if we don't find our way through. This quote from Carl Jung really is so applicable to the INFJ personality type.


"Pain and suffering are the most effective teachers when we are ready to accept the falling away of the myriad, scattered, ego selves." - Carl Jung


As INFJ's our ability to intuitively read people and foresee how events will unfold has earned us the nickname "the advocates." From Mahatma Gandhi, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Martin Luther King Jr., you can see the profound impact of INFJs in this world, as we aim to make it a better place. We are guided by our highly developed intuition. And that is what leads us to be constantly looking ahead and anticipating future outcomes. 

The INFJ personality type has an insatiable thirst for personal growth—we love to learn. By the way, if you are interested in learning about the science of bridging healing and spirituality, consider checking out our programs.

Rather than viewing events and situations as isolated incidents (which most people tend to do), we are able to see the interconnectedness of everything. Plus, during our quiet moments, that's when INFJs become channels for profound insights, visions, symbols, and metaphors, embodying the essence of the mystic personality type.


Are you on a journey of uncovering your INFJ's intuition? If so, you are in the right place.

As an INFJ, I have been through the thick and thin of what it means to live authentically. I want to help guide you to find your inner truth so you can better distinguish your inner and outer worlds. As you grow and learn, you will be able to better handle stress and whatever life throws at you while also fully embodying your gifts. And that's what I truly believe INFJs are here to do: bring our gifts to this world and help guide collective healing.


Here are 35 Signs You’re an INFJ—the Rarest (Mystical) Personality Type

1. You Feel a Deep Sense of Purpose

INFJs often feel a strong sense of mission in life. Even if you can't exactly put your finger on it, you know deep down that you are here for something more. For me, even in my deepest struggles, I always found a tenacity to keep going. I have an innate ability to keep finding ways to "make things work." 

So often, INFJs find a sense of purpose through personal growth or helping others. This intrinsic motivation often leads INFJs to careers in counseling, teaching, or the arts, where they can make a significant impact on the lives of others.

2. You See the Big Picture

You also have an innate ability to see how things connect. Our rare personality allows us to see the big picture, understand complex systems, and envision future possibilities. This can lead to frustration, though, as we can't understand why others "can't just see it too." It's helpful when we begin to understand how we see the world differently and why it's a gift that helps us guide others. Since we often excel in strategic planning and long-term vision, we do well in leadership positions when our insight and direction are welcome and well-perceived.

On the other hand, I know from personal experience that when we see the big picture but aren't "heard" by the people in our lives, it leads to a lot of frustration and pain. One of the most important lessons I've learned is that people will listen to us when they are ready. We can't force others to see our vision or accept our guidance; they have to be willing to recognize our wisdom. 

This can be a difficult pill to swallow, but think of it this way: as an INFJ, you carry a bright light within you. This light represents the wisdom you are ready to share. Imagine trying to walk up to someone and shine this light directly into their eyes when they didn't ask for it and weren't prepared. It's off-putting. We get so excited, and our extraverted feeling starts to shine, but it can be overwhelming for some people. 

3. You’re Guided by Intuition

In a healthy state, you can easily connect with and listen to your intuition and gut feelings. This extraverted intuition helps you trust your inner voice, even when logic suggests otherwise. INFJs can sense underlying motives and foresee outcomes, which makes us excellent problem solvers and advisors.

I struggled for a long time to listen to my intuition because of childhood trauma. Growing up in an abusive environment taught me that "I can't trust myself." This often stems from co-dependent relationships and anxious attachment styles with parents or caregivers. It took a long time to realize that trauma was keeping me from my intuition, and I was actively pushing it down. Healing began when I started to allow myself to feel my intuition and slowly started listening.  

4. You’re Highly Empathetic

INFJs have a natural ability to sense others' emotions and feel their pain. This deep empathy often leads you to want to help those around you. You may find yourself drawn to social causes or careers in psychology and social work, where you can use your empathetic nature to support and heal others.

Being highly empathetic can also make us more vulnerable to trauma.

If you grew up in a chaotic household, it could impact you more severely than a sibling who isn't so empathetic. This is because we absorb the emotional pain of others, which can be overwhelming and draining. This is why boundaries and understanding your energy are so important. 

5. You Crave Meaningful Conversations

Small talk can be draining for us. Instead, we thrive on deep, meaningful conversations that explore life's mysteries. Topics like philosophy, spirituality, and personal development are particularly appealing, as they align with your quest for understanding and growth.

This craving for depth can sometimes make social interactions challenging, especially if you're surrounded by people who prefer lighter, more superficial conversations. Over time, you might find yourself feeling isolated or misunderstood. Healing from past experiences where your need for depth wasn't met can help you find balance and seek out like-minded individuals who appreciate and reciprocate your desire for meaningful dialogue. 

6. You’re Private but Open

While you’re deeply private and selective about sharing your inner world, you’re also willing to be open and vulnerable with those you trust. This balance allows you to build deep, meaningful relationships without feeling overwhelmed or exposed.

I can say that my trauma-healing journey has been a huge lesson in understanding how to trust. Growing up with abuse led me to feel that no other person was safe. Many INFJs have experienced betrayal or emotional harm, leading us to build walls around our hearts. This keeps us from our gifts of feeling the beautiful side of our sensitivity. As I began to heal and find people who I could trust and practice being vulnerable and safe, it was a game-changer. I was able to flourish, the more I was able to be open. Understanding that vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness, is crucial. It allows us to connect on a deeper level with those who truly value and respect our openness.

7. You’re Creative

Your imagination is vivid, and you often find yourself daydreaming or thinking about creative solutions to problems. This creativity can manifest in various forms, from writing and art to innovative problem-solving in professional settings.

Do you struggle to bring your creativity to the world in a way that feels good? It could be because trauma can stifle creativity, making it hard to access that part of ourselves. Healing allows us to reconnect with our creative side, using it as a form of expression and a tool for understanding our experiences. Whether it's through journaling, painting, or brainstorming new ideas, creativity can be a powerful outlet for processing and overcoming trauma.

8. You Value Authenticity

Do you ever feel like you are wearing a mask and deeply struggle with it? Authenticity is important to INFJs. We often strive to be genuine in our interactions and seek the same from others. Yet, that can feel really hard in a world like ours, where living authentically is shunned. 

When an INFJ finds good friends and is able to live authentically, it allows us to form deep, lasting connections with like-minded individuals who share their values and ideals. It's one of the most healing things we can do. For me, I had to peel back a lot of layers of trauma to understand why I didn't feel safe being authentic. My childhood trauma had taught me that my authentic self wasn't worthy. Once I began to embrace my vulnerabilities and started showing up unapologetically authentic, I found so much more inner peace. That's also when I began to attract others who resonated with my genuine nature,

9. You’re Highly Sensitive

You’re sensitive to both physical and emotional stimuli. Loud noises, bright lights, and negative environments can be overwhelming. This heightened sensitivity allows you to pick up on subtle cues and emotions, but it also means you need to take extra care to protect your mental and emotional well-being. Being highly sensitive can also impact your stress levels along with your mental, emotional, and physical health.

As I mentioned before, being empathetic and sensitive can make us more susceptible to the impacts of trauma. However, when we start to understand how our unique personality contributes to both our challenges and our potential for growth, it can open the door to greater happiness, healing, and joy. Recognizing this dual nature allows us to harness our strengths and transform our struggles into opportunities for living in our full expansion.

When we're highly sensitive, one of the best ways we can take care of ourselves is to create safe spaces where we can retreat and recharge. Understanding and managing our sensitivity helps us navigate the world without becoming overwhelmed. Healing practices like mindfulness, meditation, and self-compassion can be incredibly beneficial in this process. 

10. You’re Organized but Flexible

This trait always helped me in my career but it also made it difficult to understand myself. As an INFJ, we appreciate structure and organization, but we are also highly adaptable and open to change when necessary. If you haven't figured this out yet, these are two very opposing traits that really help us stand out. One of the most useful tips I got in my career was to lean into this part of my personality because it is so rare and highly valuable.

The balance of being able to be organized and flexible allows you to stay grounded while navigating the complexities of life with grace and resilience. Yet, if you have trauma, you may not have yet learned to embrace this part of yourself. Trauma can disrupt our sense of order and stability. For years, I struggled in a state of chaos, unable to access this part of myself. Once, I began to heal my nervous system and settle into feeling psychologically safe, I was able to tap into the ability to balance between maintaining structure in life and also being flexible enough to adapt to new circumstances. 

11. You’re a Perfectionist

I lived so much of my life with such high expectations that I constantly felt disappointed and frustrated. INFJs have high standards, and we set a lot of expectations for ourselves and others. We often strive for perfection in everything we do, and we can't fathom anything less. 

I might be the first to tell you... perfectionism can also be a trauma response.

Again, I think that INFJs are living in the perfect storm to have trauma in this reality of existence, and one of the common things we must learn to balance is our perfectionist tendencies. Yes, this trait can drive us to remarkable achievements, but it can also result in high stress levels and burnout if not managed properly.

Many INFJs develop perfectionist tendencies to cope with trauma, believing that being perfect will protect them from criticism or harm. We are so sensitive to the judgment and opinion of others that we can overdo it, trying to prove our worth and wanting people to hear our wisdom. Healing involves recognizing that you are enough just as you are and that it's okay to make mistakes. Embracing our imperfections allows us to live more freely and authentically.

12. You Enjoy Solitude

Time alone is essential for you to recharge. It's not an optional thing at all; it's a necessity to maintaining your mental well-being. You use this solitude to reflect and connect with your inner self. As an INFJ, our inner world is a key part of who we are, and nurturing that is essential to living authentically. This introspective nature helps you gain insights and clarity, allowing you to approach life with a deeper understanding and sense of purpose.

It’s during quiet moments that we process our experiences and heal. We are giving ourselves permission to release the needs of others and to focus on our self-care. This reflection time can lead to profound personal growth and self-discovery.

13. You Have a Rich Inner World

Your inner life is complex and rich with thoughts, ideas, and emotions. For a long time, I assumed everyone had a rich inner world. Well, it turns out this is part of what makes us so unique. It's the inner richness within us that fuels our creativity and provides a source of comfort and inspiration. It's what allows us to navigate the external world with more confidence and insight.

Did you know that trauma can lead you to overcultive your inner world? Sometimes, it can become an escape from external pain. Some of the most successful artists are those sensitive souls who have suffered deeply because they go deep within to find solace. While it can offer comfort, it's also important to balance it with external engagement. 

I tried to live a life in isolation, believing I could be fine without needing others. I convinced myself I didn't need others, I had been hurt too much. Over time, though, I became increasingly lonely as I deeply craved intellectual conversation and stimulation. I've learned that being a healthy INFJ requires balance, and leaning too far into any of our gifts can create more misalignment and pain. 

14. You’re a Good Listener

People often come to you for advice because you’re a patient and attentive listener. Your ability to listen deeply and empathetically makes you a trusted confidant and advisor, capable of providing support and guidance to those in need.

While being a good listener is a valuable trait, it can also lead to emotional exhaustion. As intuitive types, we often struggle with setting boundaries because our empathetic hearts want to help everyone. Unfortunately, some people may take advantage of this, and without boundaries, we risk burning out. To truly help others, it's crucial to establish limits that protect our well-being, ensuring we can continue to offer our support effectively.

The INFJ Door Slam

This seems like a good place to mention this. Have you heard of the INFJ door slam? This term refers to a drastic and often sudden decision to cut someone out of our lives when we reach a breaking point. This typically happens when we burn out and can no longer tolerate the emotional toll someone is placing on us.

INFJs are naturally empathetic and compassionate. They often give others the benefit of the doubt and strive to help and support them. However, without setting healthy boundaries, we may find ourselves repeatedly taken advantage of. Over time, this can lead to significant emotional exhaustion and frustration.

When we reach this point of burnout, our only recourse may be to completely walk away, effectively slamming the door on the relationship. This isn't done out of malice but as a means of self-preservation. The INFJ door slam is a powerful reminder of the importance of setting boundaries early on to protect our emotional well-being.

By understanding this tendency and the reasons behind it, we can learn to recognize the warning signs of burnout and take proactive steps to establish healthier relationships. Setting clear boundaries allows us to maintain our compassionate nature without sacrificing our mental and emotional health. Ultimately, this helps us sustain our ability to connect with and support others in a more balanced and fulfilling way.

15. You Value Deep Connections

Superficial relationships don’t satisfy you. You crave deep, meaningful connections with others. This preference for depth over breadth means you may have a small but close-knit circle of friends who share your values and interests. For me, creating deep connections was incredibly difficult.

Childhood trauma had robbed me of the ability to create healthy relationships for decades.

I didn't understand what a healthy attachment style was, and I had never experienced one. Every best friend I had growing up (with the exception of a very few) was manipulative and narcissistic. 

As I began to heal, I was intentional about forming new connections and learning how to be vulnerable. Healing allows us to open our hearts again, seeking out and nurturing deep, meaningful relationships that bring joy and fulfillment into our lives.

16. You’re Future-Oriented

You spend a lot of time thinking about the future and what it holds. This is part of the reason we love to learn! This forward-thinking perspective allows you to plan and prepare for various possibilities. It helps to ensure that you’re always ready to adapt and thrive in changing circumstances.

While being future-oriented is a strength, it can also cause anxiety when it's unhealthy. Even with the best intentions, we can overdo focusing on the future. It's important to learn to balance forward-thinking with mindfulness and staying present. Balance can help us manage stress and enjoy the journey, not just the destination.

17. You’re Often Misunderstood

Because of your complexity and depth, people often misunderstand your intentions and motivations. This can lead to feelings of isolation or frustration, but it also highlights the uniqueness of your perspective and approach to life. Sometimes, this can lead you to question your own feelings and who you are. 

It took me a while to understand how to communicate more clearly and effectively. Part of it was learning more about myself and also learning about other personality types. You have to remember that INFJs are called the mystical personality type for a reason; we are complex, have an uncanny ability to read other people, and have a sixth sense about the way the world operates. 

All of this can lead to feeling so out of place in the world when you aren't surrounded by others who can validate how you see the world. This is why finding other sensitive souls and INFJs is so important to healing, and it's the reason why I started sharing. I don't want you to have a hard time finding the connection, support, and understanding you deserve, that's why I started this blog!

18. You’re Conflict-Averse

You prefer harmony and try to avoid conflict whenever possible. This aversion to conflict stems from your deep sense of empathy and desire for peace, making you a skilled mediator and peacemaker in challenging situations. It's also one of our personal values that we bring to every aspect of our life. 

Did you know that trauma can actually amplify your aversion to conflict?

It's so important to understand this part of your personality and find ways to create balance. Healing involves learning healthy conflict resolution skills and recognizing that conflict can be a necessary part of growth and change. By addressing conflicts with empathy and clarity, you can maintain harmony while standing up for your needs and values.

19. You Have Strong Principles

When you are in a healthy state, your values and principles guide your actions and decisions. You’re committed to living in alignment with your beliefs, even when it’s difficult or unpopular. This integrity can earn you the respect and admiration of those around you.

However, if you are in an unhealthy state, living out of alignment with your values and principles can cause deep suffering. Out of all the ways I struggled with unresolved trauma, living out of alignment with my principles was by far one of the most painful. I was so worried about other people's feelings that I neglected my own. I spent years in romantic relationships with people who didn't share my values and working for companies that didn't align with my beliefs. This constant dissonance between my true self and my circumstances led to significant emotional turmoil. 

Healing involves recognizing the importance of staying true to your values and making conscious choices that reflect your principles. By doing so, you can live a more authentic and fulfilling life, surrounded by people and environments that resonate with your core beliefs.

20. You’re a Problem Solver

You enjoy solving problems, especially those that help others. Your analytical mind and empathetic heart combine to make you an effective and compassionate problem solver, capable of finding innovative solutions to complex challenges.

It's important to remember that trauma can sometimes cloud your ability to see solutions, causing you to feel stuck or overwhelmed. As you begin healing, you will be able to develop your resilience and learn to approach problems with a clear mind and open heart. By using your problem-solving skills, you can overcome obstacles and support others in their healing journeys.

21. You’re Introspective

You spend a lot of time reflecting on your thoughts and feelings. Again, I just assumed everyone did this... that's not true at all. In fact, some people go their entire lives without truly reflecting on their thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and actions. I still struggle to understand that.

As an INFJ, our introspection allows us to gain deeper insights into ourselves and the world around us, this is part of what sets us apart as we constantly aim to learn and grow. We embrace self-awareness in a way that is actually not common among our peers. 

Keep in mind that introspection can sometimes lead to overthinking, especially for INFJs who have unresolved trauma. Healing involves finding a balance between reflection and action, using your insights to make positive changes in your life. By embracing introspection as a tool for growth, you can navigate your inner world with clarity and purpose.

22. You’re a Natural Leader

Despite your introverted nature, you’re a natural leader, often guiding others with your vision and empathy. We often come off as extroverts because of our natural drive. Your ability to inspire and motivate others stems from your deep understanding of human nature and your commitment to making a positive impact.

As you discover your inherent leadership qualities, you may struggle with imposter syndrome if you weren't taught how to recognize and honor your own strengths. As an INFJ, you have so much to bring to this world. Remember that when you lead with empathy and vision, you can create a positive influence and inspire others to reach their potential. If you are struggling to embrace your leadership qualities, I would love to invite you to explore working with me

23. You Seek Balance

When you are healthy as an INFJ, you strive to balance your intellectual, emotional, and spiritual needs. Deep down, it's a must because you are living such a complex and rich inner life. This holistic approach to life ensures that you remain grounded and centered, even in the face of adversity.

Achieving balance can be challenging, especially if you have unresolved trauma. For so long, I fought my truth because I didn't want to accept that I was different from others. I tried to blend in and pretned I was okay, when deep down I wasn't. I wasn't making time to be alone, I wasn't engaging in deep and stimulating conversations, I wasn't setting boundaries and asking to have my needs met... and I was a mess. 

Today, balance is a non-negotiable. I schedule alone time and make a point to engage with others in my life who help me feel stimulated and excited. I've truly learned how to embrace balance because it helps to fill my bucket in every way, and that brings me so much more joy and inner peace.

24. You’re Adaptable

As an INFJ, you’re able to adapt to new situations and challenges with ease. You may even seek out new experiences often as a way to keep your life interesting. This flexibility allows you to navigate life’s ups and downs with resilience and grace, always finding a way to thrive.

It's important to know that unresolved trauma can make you feel like you aren't adaptable. Trauma can make change feel daunting when you don't have a chance to lean into this part of yourself. Healing involves embracing adaptability as a strength, allowing you to approach change with an open mind and heart. By being adaptable, you can turn challenges into opportunities for growth and transformation.

25. You’re Visionary

Do you have ideas for changing the world and creating massive waves of positive impact? You often have visionary ideas and insights that others may not see. Your ability to think outside the box and envision new possibilities makes you a valuable innovator and thought leader.

For so long, I knew that I was meant for more. Yet, my trauma kept me playing small because I was hurt, scared, and frankly exhausted. Trauma can sometimes cloud one's vision, making it difficult to see a clear path forward.

Those visionary dreams can feel scary and impossible, yet they call to you all the time. The longer you try to shove them down because they feel too big for you... the more you will suffer. That's because as an INFJ, you are here to create change. You are designed to bring about healing in this world. And that healing has to start with you.

26. You’re Compassionate

Your compassion for others drives you to help and support those in need. This deep sense of empathy and caring motivates you to make a positive difference in the lives of others, whether through your personal relationships or professional endeavors. It's important to practice self-care and boundaries because your compassion runs so deep.

Compassion can sometimes lead to compassion fatigue, especially for INFJs who struggle with boundaries. Healing involves practicing self-compassion and setting boundaries to ensure that you can continue to offer support without depleting your own emotional resources. By nurturing your compassion, you can make a lasting impact while maintaining your well-being.

27. You’re Trustworthy

People trust you because of your integrity and reliability. Your consistent adherence to your values and principles earns you the trust and respect of those around you, making you a dependable and reliable friend and colleague.

Remember that you can also trust yourself and it's important to find others who you can trust in return. I struggled for a long time to trust and that can lead to a lot of inner turmoil. You see, as humans, we are wired to need each other. Yet, trauma can re-wire us for protection, and that is hard. 

Healing involves building trust within yourself and with others and recognizing that trust is a two-way street. By being trustworthy and fostering trust in your relationships, you create a foundation of mutual respect and support.

28. You’re Thoughtful

You put a lot of thought into your words and actions, always considering their impact on others. This thoughtfulness ensures that you approach life with kindness and consideration, fostering positive relationships and meaningful connections.

Being thoughtful can sometimes lead to overthinking, so be mindful of this. Learning to trust your instincts and not overanalyze every situation. I always ask myself, "how much energy do I really need to give this?" By balancing thoughtfulness with action, you can create a positive impact while maintaining your peace of mind.

29. You’re Self-Aware

You have a high level of self-awareness and understand your strengths and weaknesses. This self-awareness allows you to navigate life with confidence and clarity, always striving to improve and grow.

I wish I had known a long time ago that experiencing trauma, especially childhood trauma, obscures self-awareness. And this can make it difficult to truly be self-aware. It's so important to know that as an INFJ, exploring your inner world is key. Understanding how your experiences have shaped you is essential, and by living more mindfully, you can embrace being fully self-aware so you can navigate life with authenticity and purpose.

30. You’re Driven by Your Values

Your actions are driven by your strong sense of values and ethics. This commitment to living in alignment with your beliefs ensures that you remain true to yourself, even in the face of external pressures and challenges.

If you ever feel like you are questioning your values, it might be unresolved trauma that is leading the way. I struggled to stay true to myself when I was deeply suffering because I felt ashamed of who I was. I had been taught in childhood to hide my truth because I was told that I was, too sensitive, too needy, too much...

When things happened in the world that broke my heart, I stayed silent. When my family was abusive and toxic, I stayed silent. Eventually, I couldn't wear the mask any longer. I had to take a step back and really evaluate how I wanted to show up in the world. When I began to embrace my values (love, kindness, generosity), it became a source of strength and healing. When I started living my truth without wavering, I finally started to feel like me.

31. You’re Insightful

You have a deep understanding of people and situations, often seeing things that others miss. This insight allows you to navigate complex social dynamics with ease, providing valuable guidance and support to those around you.

Remember that this can also be draining as you are constantly reflecting, thinking, and analyzing. Make sure that you are mindful about balancing yourself and not creating more stress in your life by focusing on too many things. 

32. You’re Supportive

Do people seek you out as a shoulder to cry on? You’re always there to support and encourage others, offering a shoulder to lean on. Your empathetic nature and genuine concern for others make you a trusted and reliable source of support and comfort. 

I know for me, I always felt like a punching bag because I was the supportive one but I never received it in return. This was because I struggled to set boundaries, I didn't ask to have my needs met, and honestly, I assumed that other people were like me. It's so important for us to prioritize self-care to ensure that you can continue to offer support without depleting your own resources. By nurturing your supportive nature, you can create positive, lasting relationships.

33. You’re Detail-Oriented

You pay close attention to details, ensuring that everything is done right. This can also be part of your perfectionist nature. This meticulous approach to life ensures that you achieve high standards of excellence in everything you do, whether in your personal or professional endeavors. 

If you go overboard, it can also lead to a lot of stress and anxiety. I know this from personal experience. Even now, I have to remind myself to take a step back and allow things to be "good enough." As you go through life, remember that not everything has to be perfect. In fact, part of being human is being imperfect.

34. You’re Goal-Oriented

As an INFJ, you set clear goals for yourself and work diligently to achieve them. This is another reason why you have such strong leadership potential. This focus and determination ensure that you remain motivated and driven, always striving to reach your full potential.

If you struggle with unresolved trauma, you may struggle to stay focused, though. That determination can feel like a roller coaster, just like your emotions. Then we push even harder to prove ourselves and that makes it worse. Goals are great, and they are meant to happen in moderation. 

It's important to set realistic goals and celebrate your progress. We all need to have wins in life. Be wary of chasing goal after goal; this can be a trauma response, as you chase external things to help you feel good enough. (I did this for a looooong time)

35. You’re Spiritually Inclined

Are you drawn to something deeper? Even if you don't know what that is yet... You often feel a deep connection to the spiritual and seek to understand the mysteries of life. This spiritual inclination drives your quest for meaning and purpose, guiding you on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. If you don't yet have a strong spiritual practice, it's likely something you are exploring.

On the other hand, if you aren't yet exploring your spiritual connection, I will say that trauma can create spiritual disassociation. The energy of trauma becomes trapped in our body, leading to physical, mental, and emotional pain. It is part of the veil that keeps us trapped running on the hamster wheel of life suffering.

Healing involves exploring your spiritual beliefs and practices and reconnecting with your inner wisdom. By embracing your spiritual inclination, you can find peace and fulfillment on your journey of self-discovery.


Are you an INFJ? Do you feel like you are living in a healthy state as an INFJ? Or are you working through unresolved trauma?

You are here with unique gifts and I hope you are embracing them. If you are struggling with living authentically and bringing your vision to this world, please know that you are not alone. I started sharing my story and writing about my experiences to help others like me. 

I spent decades living in the matrix; every year, I was getting more and more sick. The pain of childhood trauma and becoming a widow at 24 was too much for my body. My sensitive nature and empathy led me to stay in toxic situations that made me even more sick.

By 38, I was bedridden and lost everything... my career, car, my home, my savings. 

That's when I finally began to understand how trauma had impacted every single aspect of my life, and I started rebuilding. Today, I am gaining back my independence and embracing my full, authentic self. I am finally finding the right healing tools, and I don't live with constant anxiety and depression; I set boundaries with ease, and I am happier than I ever dreamed was possible. 

I hope that my story and lessons can help you. 

You deserve happiness, alignment, and abundance. 

If this resonates with you, I hope you'll stay connected.

Join the newsletter, follow me on social media, or send me a note to say hello. I'm sending you love on your healing journey. 

XOXO, Kristina

P.S. If you aren't familiar with human design, you might want to consider exploring it.

Here's an article I wrote on Human Design for Projectors. I am a Projector, and it's opened my eyes to how to heal and thrive in this world.




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