Find Clarity, Balance, and Harmony in Your Life and Business

Are you an entrepreneur seeking to align your life and business with your deepest values and true self? Imagine a life where your mind, body, and spirit work in harmony, empowering you to thrive personally and professionally.


Do you often feel overwhelmed and out of sync with your life's purpose?

Do you feel disconnected from your intuition and inner wisdom?

Are you struggling to find balance between your business and personal well-being?

I lived this way for decades. You're not alone.

Aligned Living 6-Week Program

Mind, Body, Spirit Harmony for Heart-Centered Entrepreneurs

Experience a transformative program designed to help you achieve harmony and alignment in all areas of your life. By blending science, healing, and spirituality, this program offers a unique approach to personal and professional growth.

You became an entrepreneur to follow your passion and help others. But when your health starts to decline and resentment towards clients creeps in, it takes a heavy toll on you, doesn't it?

Starting a business is about pursuing your dream of helping others, yet you quickly realize that being an entrepreneur requires learning the ins and outs of business management.

You need to figure out how to drive traffic, generate sales, set up marketing strategies, and somehow still find time for your personal life.

  • Do you find yourself working longer hours?
  • Struggling to charge more?  
  • Feeling more disconnected from your purpose?
  • Forcing every aspect of your life!
  • Feeling burnt out, stressed, and uncertain about how to make a change?

How is this all working for you?!?  If you’re like most of my clients, the answer is, "IT'S NOT WORKING!"

Here's the good news, I want to show you how you can do more with less when you are living in Mind, Body, Spirit Alignment.

When you are living in full Mind, Body, Spirit Alignment, it not only makes business easier. It also:

  • Experience increased vitality and stamina to tackle daily challenges.
  • Make better decisions with a clear and focused mind.
  • Feel more balanced, calm, and resilient in the face of stress.
  • Trust your inner guidance & connect with your higher self to make aligned choices effortlessly.
  • Achieve more with less effort by working in harmony with your natural rhythms.
  • Create a business that thrives without compromising your well-being.
I'm in, enroll now!

Top 3 Mistakes Made by Mission Driven Entrepreneurs

Self-Sacrifice & Lack of Boundaries

As heart-centered business owners we pour our hearts into our work. We often prioritize our mission and clients above our own well-being leading to burnout, decreased productivity, health issues, and even resentment.

Overlooking Business Fundamentals

Passion and purpose are powerful motivators, but they alone are not enough to ensure success. You struggle to grow because you are scared of taking the next steps in marketing, financial planning, or strategic growth

Underestimating the Power of Community

So many mission-driven entrepreneurs try to do everything on their own, underestimating the value of community and collaboration. This can lead to feelings of isolation, slower progress, and missed opportunities for growth.

When heart-centered entrepreneurs overextend themselves, they risk burnout. They take on too many responsibilities and try to help everyone, which can lead to exhaustion and a diluted impact. As a result, their clients may feel unsupported and their mission may lose its effectiveness

Intentional Living and the Right Resources are KEY

Rushing & quick fix doesn’t work! Monthly massages, Reiki sessions, and additional business courses are all just temporary solutions.

Many heart-centered entrepreneurs realize their stress and burnout is impacting there life.

So, they invest in various quick-fix solutions, hoping to feel better.

But the reality is, throwing money at quick fixes doesn’t solve the root problem! Not to mention that truly effective solutions require a deep, sustainable approach that can't be bought overnight.

Don't you think spending thousands on the latest wellness trend is a bit too good to be true? In fact, until you FACE the underlying issues head-on, they will never go away.

After decades of business leadership and personal growth, it’s as clear and simple as this: You Aren’t Just Running a Business... You Are Building a Life!

Your life and business NEED alignment.

Your well-being DESERVES consistent, mindful practices!

How else do you expect to thrive if you can’t clearly communicate and embody your true self and values?

But when you keep “outsourcing” your well-being to quick fixes and trends, you never LEARN the essential skills and practices for sustainable harmony!

So, what happens when these solutions don’t work? Heck! How do you even know they’re right for you?

What happens when you feel even more drained?

Or they don’t resonate with your values?

What then?

It’s back to square one... minus the investment and energy.


>But when you LEARN and MASTER the skills of aligning your mind, body, and spirit, you carry that balance with you wherever you go & that's when you begin to THRIVE!

Are you ready to embrace more balance and alignment? Just not sure how to make it happen?

If you’re like most who are reading this, you’re beginning to see the possibility of achieving true alignment in your life and business.

You understand how living in harmony can transform your impact and well-being.

But you might find yourself overwhelmed, asking: “How do I achieve this balance?” “What steps do I take? How do I make time for all this?"

It can be so daunting and intimidating that you end up avoiding it, staying busy with other tasks.

And I understand.

But here's a little 'Insider Secret':




There is a RECIPE to achieving alignment.

This recipe consists of 18 essential steps. My spiritual gift is being able to break down complex information into practical and easy-to-understand blueprints! That's what I've done here.

And I've realized, that missing even one step can disrupt your harmony and impact.

Just like the classic saying: “How do you climb a mountain? One step at a time.”

We can you ask a similar question:




There is also a specific ORDER to these steps.

PLUS... each step must be approached with mindfulness!

So, what if you had a set of step-by-step instructions for each of these steps?

Imagine if you could follow these steps with simplicity and clarity... EVEN if you’ve never embarked on such a journey before!

No more overwhelm!

No more wondering if it will work!

No more wasting time or energy!

Imagine for just a moment...

...that you had a step-by-step process for aligning

EACH aspect of your life and business...

You’d never have to start from scratch again! You'd be building a strong foundation strategically.

In fact, I (and my clients) have used these same alignment practices to find inner harmony, create radical healing, and to find clarity!

Isn’t it wonderful to create lasting change that supports you for years to come? Wouldn’t that be amazing?

Well, you don’t have to “imagine” any longer.

Because... it’s here.


YES, I want it!

Introducing Aligned Living: Mind, Body, Spirit Harmony

The Simple, Step-by-Step Process to Building a Life of Balance, Abundance, & Joy

No more guesswork. No more struggling alone. No more playing small.

Comprehensive Micro Lessons

Get step-by-step guidance that walks you through each part of the alignment process, ensuring you understand and can implement each part effectively.

Easy-to-Use Tools

Access downloadable guided worksheets, guided meditations, and practical tools that make integrating alignment practices into your daily life hassle-free and straightforward.

Science-Backed Processes

You'll get access to proven processes for not only learning but also living in alignment, covering every aspect from mindful awareness to sustainable lifestyle practices.

Connection and Community

Engage with a supportive network of like-minded individuals who share your journey, providing encouragement, accountability, and shared experiences to enhance your alignment process.

It’s time to give your life and business the harmonious alignment they deserve!

Amy D.

Everything you teach is so spot on. It's easy to understand and you break it down in a way that makes it so much easier to implement.

Courtney M.

Kristina brings a unique balance of encouragement and practical application!

Jane W.

You have changed my life in so many ways, I just don't even have enough words. THANK YOU!!!

You’re not just getting the “blueprint,” I’m providing you with everything you need to achieve, sustain, and thrive in full alignment of your mind, body, and spirit!

Tap into my experience! With decades of business leadership and personal growth experience, you are getting access to all of my decades of knowledge into a blueprint for full mind, body, and spirit alignment. Imagine the benefits of understanding my approach and why it’s so uniquely effective!

I’ll uncover the hidden elements that make it easier to create deep and lasting alignment!


I'm Ready!

You'll discover...

My science-based proven practices for creating alignment, abundance, and deeper spiritual connections which is rooted in years of studying Buddhism, Shamanism, Neuroscience, Trauma, Psychology, Marketing Automation, and more.
*Two of my spiritual gifts are learning and teaching. You get to benefit from the wealth of knowledge and experience I've gathered, allowing you to absorb the transformative insights and practical strategies for a harmonious and thriving life.

  • The Truth about energy alignment and how generic advice from business and spiritual gurus is keeping you stuck

  • The spiritual path to driving sales, achieving your business goals without feeling icky, expand your passion and purpose to a bigger level.

  • How to authentically show up in your business and release the trauma that's been holding you back, allowing you to fully embrace and express your true self in your work.

  • You will learn to connect with your higher self and trust its guidance, eliminating self-doubt and allowing you to move forward with confidence.

  • You will discover your true purpose and gain clarity, empowering you to pursue your goals without hesitation.

“This Sounds Great, But I'm not Sure if I have time to Invest in This Program....

You might be thinking, “This all sounds wonderful, but my schedule is already packed. Shouldn’t I focus on managing my current tasks first?" NO.

Here's why Prioritizing Your Alignment BEFORE Tackling More Tasks is ESSENTIAL!

Many overwhelmed entrepreneurs waste months OVERWORKING which actually leads to less productivity as you try to juggle a ton of stressful tasks and responsibilities without a clear plan.

THEN... you hit BURNOUT mode and try to find ways to squeeze (FORCE) in self-care which stresses you out even more, and the process keeps cycling over and over. Sound familiar?

When you prioritize alignment first, you quickly find ways to optimize your time and energy, so you spend time on the things that matter (and realize that things that don't matter!)

...and then you can focus on your smaller but far more impactful to-do list—with a clear, aligned mindset!

Every successful heart-centered entrepreneur I’ve known always starts with aligning their life and actions FIRST. If not, it’s an uphill battle trying to balance everything without burning out.

“Wait, are you saying this training doesn't just help me find alignment... helps me optimize my time and energy, too?!”

Yes. That's EXACTLY what I’m saying. 😎

Enroll Today

Aligned Living: Mind, Body, Spirit Harmony

Take the Next Step Now!


  • 6-Week Course
  • Special group space dedicated to program discussions
  • Bi-weekly live Q&A hosted by Kristina Bentle
  • Library of guided meditations