

I'm Kristina

Founder of The Collective Healers.

I created this space for those of us who may take a different path to finding ourselves and our gifts.

We don't fall neatly into categories defined by the healing and wellness space, which can lead us to feel disconnected and perhaps judged. 

I want to help create a wave of healers breaking free from societal expectations, finding the right answers to healing, and embracing the deep truth waiting to be set free.

I would love for you to join me on this movement to expansion, healing, and self-discovery for healers who are healing.

Here's what others are saying...

"I can always feel the love you share. Thank you for speaking out & educating. Your message is so needed in this world!"

M. Faherty

"In such a short amount of time, you have already helped me so much! Thank you so much for sharing and teaching!"

B. Russell

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your lessons have changed so much for me. Thank you for everything. "

H. Dupex

What is "The Collective"?

We are The Collective, The Collective is us.

Every human, plant, animal, and rock is part of this planet's collective consciousness. Each is a fractal of the One Creator (God, Universe, Spirit, or whatever term feels best for you).

We are interconnected energy, contributing to the overall energy and consciousness. When we strive for harmony, unity, and love within ourselves, we not only raise our own vibrations but also those of The Collective of this planet.

become a member

We Embrace Unity & Personal Sovereignty.

We believe in the profound power of unity and personal sovereignty.

All beings are interconnected, and by fostering a sense of unity, we create a supportive environment where everyone feels valued.

Simultaneously, we honor and empower each person's unique journey, encouraging you to reclaim your innate power & make choices that align with your human experience.

By balancing collective strength with individual empowerment, we create a space where true healing can flourish, supporting personal and collective growth.  

is this right for me?

I'm Kristina Bentle

and this is My Story

Finding Purpose & Hope in Deep Pain

My history of trauma led me to leadership and healing professions. When I joined the healing space, I often felt like an outsider. Even after 20 years of healing work, people would assume I hadn't done much because I was still healing. I felt frustrated by the judgment and lack of understanding...

I also recognized that because of my sensitive nature, I didn't always feel psychologically safe and welcome.

I started to realize not many people understand what it's like to live with severe chronic pain that makes it painful to do yoga. Most people don't know what it's like to try to push your body just to exist... Emotional trauma wreaked havoc on my mind and body.

Childhood abuse & neglect, sexual abuse and assault, becoming a widow, a suicide attempt, chronic pain, chronic illness, & becoming disabled... it was a veil that kept me stuck.


Deep inside, I always felt the urge to find answers. I tried therapy, medication, Reiki, acupuncture, yoga, supplements, and more. Nothing helped. My health worsened year after year; doctors struggled to diagnose me, and all my test results were "normal."

In 2019, I became bedridden by a neurological disorder. My body was giving out, yet no amount of traditional medicine or conventional medicine was helping.  I leaned into my intuition and found a holistic way to heal trauma. I started studying neuroscience and trauma, human biology, and Biofield Science.

With each new healing step, I have reclaimed fragments of myself, piecing together the life I have always dreamed of—one of resilience, happiness, inner peace, and being able to serve others. 

I'm not like other spiritual teachers...

Full disclosure, if you are looking for someone who claims to be a guru, lives an idyllic, picture-perfect life, and has all the answers, I am probably not what you are looking for.

My spiritual studies have been grounded in real-life experiences and deep, personal exploration. No, I didn't get a scholarship to study abroad in temples in India, nor have I spent years in a monastery. (Maybe someday.)

Instead, I've spent over 10 years studying and applying Buddhist philosophy to my life. And over 15 years studying psychology and personal growth.

Along the way, I've dedicate time to studying ancient scriptures, Christianity, Ancient Egypt, Wicca, Sacred Geometry, Ancient Astronauts, Astrology, Quantum Physics, and so much more. Plus, I've explored the teachings of Hinduism, the mystical aspects of Kabbalah, and the principles of Shamanism.

Through thousands of hours of meditation and dedicated work to heal my mind, body, and spirit. I truly began to awaken my spiritual connection and gifts when I began to heal my biology from deep trauma. Through this, I began to embrace my souI's mission to be a guide of love and light.

Formal Qualifications, Studies, & Real-World Wisdom

While I've collected a few official certifications and degrees along the way, my true education comes from the school of life. Through countless personal experiences and the journey of healing and growth, I've learned more than any classroom could teach. Below are some of my formal qualifications, but my real expertise is woven from the tapestry of lived experiences and profound life lessons, and tens of thousands of hours of self-study.

Spiritual Growth

  • EFT certified practitioner
  • CBT certified life coach
  • Spiritual coach
  • Energy Psychology
  • Holistic Wellness
  • Energy Healing
  • Meridian Cleansing
  • Chakra Balancing


Business & Marketing

  • B.S. in Marketing Communications
  • 20 years in Corporate Marketing
  • Google Analytics Certified
  • Hubspot Automation Certified
  • Hubspot Sales Certified
  • Built start-up from $0-$1 million in 12 months 


  • Neuroscience and Trauma Expert
  • EMDR Coach
  • Somatic Healing Coach
  • Cognitive Behavioral Technique
  • Neuro-linguistic programming
  • Mindfulness and Meditation Instructor
  • Trauma-Informed Care Specialist
  • Positive Psychology Practitioner

Join The Collective Healers

A membership for healers on a healing journey. Reach your highest potential on the journey to personal and spiritual evolution.

I'm Ready