
Ready for alignment in your life, health, and spiritual business?

You're in the right place.

I'm a spiritual guide, intuitive, INFJ, Empath, 1/3 Splenic Projector, and energy healer. I'm here to help sensitive souls bridge the gap between healing, science, and spirituality to create more alignment, healing, and abundance.

Awakening to Alignment

My Journey from Corporate World to Cosmic Healing

I'm a highly sensitive person, yet I tried to fight if for most of my life. For years, I embodied the archetype of a relentless over-achiever, climbing the corporate ladder and chasing success. At 38, my body gave out—I became bedridden as the years of trying to keep up with hustle culture took a toll. I was forced to stop, listen, and find a way to heal.

That's when I began a new chapter—a life-changing journey to release trapped trauma, heal my body, and uncover my gifts. This process led me to develop the transformational Holistic Trauma Reset™ methodology and Aligned Living Program, which helps spiritual business owners live in radical alignment.

Today, I am sharing the lessons that have helped me find inner peace, balance, and healing in ways that I never thought were possible.

Here's my Story

Holistic Healing and Alignment for Sensitive Souls

Embrace Your Authentic Journey: Thrive in Harmony with Your Health & Purpose

Are you ready for deep emotional healing and alignment in your personal and professional life? My integrartive approach combines evidence-based practices with spiritual wisdom to help you release trauma, find emotional balance, and build a heart-centered business.

Unlock the transformative power of aligning your life with your core values and true purpose. Tap into your inner energy, master your mindset, and embrace a life of abundance and profound spiritual connections. So you can spend more time and energy focusing the things that bring you joy.

What others are saying


"You have seriously changed my life! I can't thank you enough. I'm handling the stress in my life in such a different way than I ever realized possible!"


"It's always been a lonely journey. I recently started seeking support in new ways. I said I would NEVER join a group like this. I saw this and knew it was different. This was the best decision for me. Thank you again for showing up."


"Kristina, you are awesome. Healing can be so hard. I'm finally learning to tune out the voices that do not understand. I appreciate you so much."

Does this resonate?

Are you a spiritual business owner / a sensitive soul / empath who feels called to serve the collecting awakening...

  • You've been on a healing journey for years and have always felt disconnected from others.
  • You were always told that you were too sensitive.
  • You are finding beauty and lessons in your sensitivity.
  • You have always felt like an old soul who has lived many lifetimes.
  • You have a deep calling to serve and help others.
  • You suspect you are a Starseed or wanderer here to help the collective awakening.
  • You have tried to embrace the hustle mentality, but it just doesn't work for you.
  • You are deeply passionate, driven, and dedicated when you find a cause you believe in.
  • You are ready to figure out the next steps in your healing journey to expand your gifts.


You found me for a reason. The universe led you here to find a lesson.

Creating Alignment Together